Safe Night NI

A campaign group making the night




By providing

Education and awareness

Harm prevention

Help and support

Retro Pride Colored Line Band
Person with Disability Icon
Hands of Different Races Holding Together


Safe Night NI is a campaign group set up in 2024 ​with a dream of creating safer, more inclusive nights ​out in Northern Ireland. We are comprised of a ​committee and volunteers with lived experience of ​all aspects of local nightlife and an aim to make it ​better.


Our mission is to create a safe, accessible, inclusive ​nights out for all in Northern Ireland through education, ​support, campaigning and creating multi-sector ​partnerships. We aim to ensure everyone can enjoy ​nightlife without fear and foster a vibrant and ​welcoming atmosphere that reflects the best of ​Northern Irelands nightlife.

Where we’re going

Safe Night ​mapping and ​badging project

Training, badging and online ​mapping of safe spaces in ​Belfast and beyond


Night time ​safety ​awareness ​workshops

Community education in ​schools, colleges and youth ​centres


Grayscale Photo of a Vintage Telephone

Safe Night ​daytime ​helpline

A listening ear, advice ​and signposting service


Criminalise Spiking in Northern ​Ireland

It is fundamental to our campaign that spiking is

made a specific criminal offence in Northern Ireland. We feel that ​this will increase awareness of spiking, encourage victims to ​report and better inform police on how to respond to incidents of ​spiking. If you agree, sign the petition below:


Contact us to join the campaign, collaborate ​with us and just about anything else..

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You deserve to feel safe